Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I just wanted to take the time to quickly wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year too!
May 2011 be a time of much joy, dreams coming true, and a less-pain filled year than this one! Sending many gentle hugs and happy wishes to all of you my Rheumatic Disease Friends!  See you in 2011!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

First Post

Okay everyone, this is my first of many many posts no doubt on this new blog of mine and I am very excited!
This is a place for anyone with any rheumatic disease or thier families to vent, share, learn and more!  I will try to not only just blog my own battle that I've been fighting now for over a quarter century; but also share new information and such as time goes on; and probably even vent a time or three. 

About me?  I've had Mixed Connective Tissue Disease since I was 9 years old.  I have Sjogrens Syndrome; Vasculitis; Polymyositis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus and Raynauds Syndrome.  I'm single and live with my two cats; Poly-ana & Lisa-Lee.  I am currently on medical leave; however, I do help my friend Patti with her French Bulldogs as I'm able to; as well as am starting into my own photography & graphic design business.  I currently reside in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada although I am originally from the Pacific Northwest. 

I look forward to hearing from you all soon! Be on the lookout for more posts in the future!! Gentle Hugs to All~